Jesus Culture Conference: Awakening Lying Signs and Wonders
Bill Johnson at Jesus Culture Awakening: False Teacher - Another Christ, Another Gospel
God Delivers Another from Jesus Culture Cult
Testimony: Bethel Preacher Visits Local Church
Jesus Culture | False Anointing
Saved from the Deception of Bethel Church
Idolatry of Bill Johnson's Teaching, Pt 1
Idolatry of Bill Johhnson's Teaching, Pt 2
Jesus Culture Occultic Healing
Bethel (Jesus Culture) Affiliations
Victim Sues Bethel Faith Healers
Jesus Culture Awakening YouTube Playlist
Bethel Church and the Demonic
When Bethel Invades Your Church
Bethel’s Bizarre Preacher Visits Local Church
Son Lost to Bethel Church
Bethel Healing Rooms and Dead-Raising
Escape from Bethel Church and False Prophecy
Bill Johnson at Jesus Culture Awakening: False Teacher - Another Christ, Another Gospel
God Delivers Another from Jesus Culture Cult
Testimony: Bethel Preacher Visits Local Church
Jesus Culture | False Anointing
Saved from the Deception of Bethel Church
Idolatry of Bill Johnson's Teaching, Pt 1
Idolatry of Bill Johhnson's Teaching, Pt 2
Jesus Culture Occultic Healing
Bethel (Jesus Culture) Affiliations
Victim Sues Bethel Faith Healers
Jesus Culture Awakening YouTube Playlist
Bethel Church and the Demonic
When Bethel Invades Your Church
Bethel’s Bizarre Preacher Visits Local Church
Son Lost to Bethel Church
Bethel Healing Rooms and Dead-Raising
Escape from Bethel Church and False Prophecy